Apr 22, 2018
The Rich Fool
By: John Pulliam
Series: Luke
Luke 12:13-21
In this passage Jesus warns his disciples against the sin of greed and teaches them to guard against it by being rich towards God.
- Apr 22, 2018The Rich Fool
Apr 22, 2018The Rich FoolBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 12:13-21In this passage Jesus warns his disciples against the sin of greed and teaches them to guard against it by being rich towards God.
- Apr 15, 2018How to Guard Against Hypocrisy
Apr 15, 2018How to Guard Against HypocrisyBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 12:1-12In this passage Jesus warns his disciples against the false religious hypocrisy and provides three safeguards rooted in the triune God of the universe.
- Apr 8, 2018Jesus Unmasks False Religionists
Apr 8, 2018Jesus Unmasks False ReligionistsBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 11:37-54The Pharisees loved what brought honor to themselves, not what brought honor to God. In this passage Jesus unmasks false religionists and reveals that love for God and love for people are the fruit of true religion.
- Apr 1, 2018I am the Resurrection and the Life
Apr 1, 2018I am the Resurrection and the LifeBy: John PulliamSeries: (All)John 11:25-27In this passage Jesus boldly asserts his full and unmistakable identity, and challenges the listener to surrender to that reality by responding in complete faith in him.
- Mar 25, 2018The Awful Reality of Divine Judgment
Mar 25, 2018The Awful Reality of Divine JudgmentBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 11:29-36In response to the request that He provide them with a "sign from heaven" (v. 16), Jesus offers the multitude and Israel's religious leaders one final sign of divine judgment, as well as the way to escape from it.
- Mar 18, 2018Jesus slandered by religious leaders
Mar 18, 2018Jesus slandered by religious leadersBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 11:14-28An accurate understanding of Jesus' true identity makes no provision for either neutrality or false views of the gospel. In this passage Jesus once again reveals His true identity, unveils false spirituality, and appeals to sinners to bear the fruit of true religion.
- Mar 11, 2018The Persistence and Promises of Prayer
Mar 11, 2018The Persistence and Promises of PrayerBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 11:5-13Following His instructions to the disciples regarding the pattern for prayer contained in Luke 11:2-4, Jesus teaches his them to be persistent and specific in prayer.
- Mar 4, 2018Jesus’ Pattern of Prayer for His Disciples
Mar 4, 2018Jesus’ Pattern of Prayer for His DisciplesBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 11:1-4Next to hearing and obeying the word of God, prayer is the believer's most essential privilege and duty. Verse two records the only time in Scripture where Jesus was asked by His disciples "Lord, teach us," and the subject was prayer. In response, Jesus gave His disciples six priorities to practice as a pattern for their own prayers.
- Feb 25, 2018A Tale of Two Sisters
Feb 25, 2018A Tale of Two SistersBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 10:38-42When we fail to prioritize the Word of God in our life we face trouble. However, when we choose the "good part" by committing ourselves to the "one thing [that] is necessary" we discover that it cannot be take away from us. This leads to a life of peace and contentment.
- Feb 18, 2018How to Receive Eternal LIfe
Feb 18, 2018How to Receive Eternal LIfeBy: John PulliamSeries: LukeLuke 10:25-37Despite the prevailing worldview that "this life is as good as it gets," Jesus teaches that the matter of your eternal destiny is not "if" you have one, but "where" you will spend it. The question that hounds us then is this: "How do I receive eternal life?"