Jun 4, 2017
The Surpassing Greatness of Our Salvation
Series: (All)
  • Jun 4, 2017The Surpassing Greatness of Our Salvation
    Jun 4, 2017
    The Surpassing Greatness of Our Salvation
    Series: (All)
  • May 28, 2017The Fruit of Salvation
    May 28, 2017
    The Fruit of Salvation
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:43-45
    With profound simplicity Jesus teaches His disciples with a word picture that contrasts the entrance to heaven with entrance to hell. Jesus teaches that there are two groups, two paths, two gates, and two destinations. This eternally important comparison reveals the choice that every person must make between heaven and hell; between salvation and condemnation; between the singular worship and allegiance to Jesus Christ and the endless forms of false religion found in the evil world system governed by Satan.
  • May 21, 2017Get the Log Out of Your Eye
    May 21, 2017
    Get the Log Out of Your Eye
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:37-42
    This passage is regularly used by Christians to support a view of "no judgment" in the Christian community. However, the reality that we are to pass judgment on one another is assumed in v. 42: "first take the log out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye." Jesus' is not forbidding all forms of judgment, but continual faultfinding and criticism that eventually leads to contempt for other persons that result in condemning attitudes and behavior. Mercy, not continual faultfinding and condemnation are God's way of living in the kingdom.
  • May 14, 2017Love in God’s Kingdom – Part 2
    May 14, 2017
    Love in God’s Kingdom – Part 2
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:32-36
    Following the "Beatitudes," Jesus begins to lay out the way love works in the kingdom of God. This passage reveals the Command to Love, the Condition of Love, and the Expectation of Love. This message shows the Condition of Love, and the Expectation of love.
  • May 7, 2017Love in God’s Kingdom – Part 1
    May 7, 2017
    Love in God’s Kingdom – Part 1
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:27-31
    Following the "Beatitudes," Jesus begins to lay out the way love works in the kingdom of God. This passage reveals the Command to Love, the Condition of Love, and the Expectation of Love. This message upacks Jesus' command to love our enemies.
  • Apr 23, 2017The Power and Compassion of Jesus
    Apr 23, 2017
    The Power and Compassion of Jesus
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:17-19
    These verses comprise a pause in Luke's narrative allowing the reader to reflect upon what has transpired in Jesus' ministry so far; this is the fourth such pause (cf. 4:14-15; 4:31-32; 4:40-41). In this passage Luke highlights three characteristics of Jesus' ministry: His Spreading Fame, His Inexhaustible Power, and His Indiscriminate Compassion
  • Apr 16, 2017Remember Jesus Christ, Risen from the Dead
    Apr 16, 2017
    Remember Jesus Christ, Risen from the Dead
    Series: (All)
  • Apr 14, 2017Christ Redeemed Us
    Apr 14, 2017
    Christ Redeemed Us
    Series: (All)
  • Apr 9, 2017Our Victorious Substitute
    Apr 9, 2017
    Our Victorious Substitute
    Series: (All)
  • Apr 2, 2017Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles
    Apr 2, 2017
    Jesus Chooses the Twelve Apostles
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:12-16
    Humanly speaking the prospect of finding qualified men to bring the gospel to the nations (Romans 1:1, 5) seemed bleak. Jesus demonstrates through the choosing and ordaining of the twelve that the power belongs to God not clay pots.