Aug 13, 2017
Added to the Church – Now What? Part 2
Series: Luke
Acts 2:42-47
The Bible reveals that the church of Jesus Christ is a deeply committed community of Christians where the power of the Holy Spirit is present and active fueling worship and witness. In this passage we find four pillars of a Spirit-filled church. A Spirit-filled church is...
I. A Bible-studying Church
II. A Fellowshiping Church
III. A Worshiping Church
IV. A Witnessing Church
  • Aug 13, 2017Added to the Church – Now What? Part 2
    Aug 13, 2017
    Added to the Church – Now What? Part 2
    Series: Luke
    Acts 2:42-47
    The Bible reveals that the church of Jesus Christ is a deeply committed community of Christians where the power of the Holy Spirit is present and active fueling worship and witness. In this passage we find four pillars of a Spirit-filled church. A Spirit-filled church is...
    I. A Bible-studying Church
    II. A Fellowshiping Church
    III. A Worshiping Church
    IV. A Witnessing Church
  • Aug 6, 2017When Time and Space Meet Eternity
    Aug 6, 2017
    When Time and Space Meet Eternity
    Series: (All)
  • Jul 30, 2017A Moment In Time
    Jul 30, 2017
    A Moment In Time
    Series: (All)
  • Jul 23, 2017Added to the Church – Now What? Part 1
    Jul 23, 2017
    Added to the Church – Now What? Part 1
    Series: Luke
    Acts 2:42-47
    The Bible reveals that the church of Jesus Christ is a deeply committed community of Christians where the power of the Holy Spirit is present and active fueling worship and witness. In this passage we find four pillars of a Spirit-filled church. A Spirit-filled church is...
    I. A Bible-studying Church
    II. A Fellowshiping Church
    III. A Worshiping Church
    IV. A Witnessing Church
  • Jul 2, 2017Jesus: The Unexpected One
    Jul 2, 2017
    Jesus: The Unexpected One
    Series: Luke
    Luke 7:18-23
    Jesus declared that John the Baptist was the greatest man who ever lived up to that time, and yet, here we find John battling doubt. Exercising his capacity to think rationally, John continued to distinguish truth from error, resolving to have his doubt relieved once and for all. In this passage we learn that the path to genuine faith can be paved with doubt from a confused heart; certainty is found in Jesus Christ alone.
  • Jun 25, 2017Jesus Raises the Dead
    Jun 25, 2017
    Jesus Raises the Dead
    Series: Luke
    Luke 7:11-17
    Typically, biblical teaching on resurrection is usually reserved for Easter Sunday when we pause to focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ; and rightly so! Christs' resurrection reveals His defeat of sin and death. But the Bible also teaches the resurrection of the saved unto eternal life, which provides a motivation for believers to live holy lives, and a warning to unbelievers to repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this passage we see in the raising of the widow's only son three realities about Jesus Christ that should motivate Christians to live with a greater resurrection mindset.
  • Jun 18, 2017Jesus Astonished by the Centurion’s Faith
    Jun 18, 2017
    Jesus Astonished by the Centurion’s Faith
    Series: Luke
    Luke 7:1-10
    Jesus gives the greater healing in salvation. In this passage a Gentile demonstrates the kind of faith that the Son of God responds to: it is despairing, humble, and hopeful. For all those who put their faith completely in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, they will be "found...well" in the day of God's judgment. They have nothing to fear either in this life or the life to come.
  • Jun 11, 2017I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
    Jun 11, 2017
    I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:46-49
    In life you will have to make decisions regarding your friends, education, marriage, housing, finances, retirement, medical care, and so on. But infinitely more important than all of these is the answer to the question "Where will I go when I die?" Jesus' final parable and lesson in the Sermon on the Mount deals with that very question.
  • Jun 4, 2017The Surpassing Greatness of Our Salvation
    Jun 4, 2017
    The Surpassing Greatness of Our Salvation
    Series: (All)
  • May 28, 2017The Fruit of Salvation
    May 28, 2017
    The Fruit of Salvation
    Series: Luke
    Luke 6:43-45
    With profound simplicity Jesus teaches His disciples with a word picture that contrasts the entrance to heaven with entrance to hell. Jesus teaches that there are two groups, two paths, two gates, and two destinations. This eternally important comparison reveals the choice that every person must make between heaven and hell; between salvation and condemnation; between the singular worship and allegiance to Jesus Christ and the endless forms of false religion found in the evil world system governed by Satan.